A clean sweep: John Alford one of the family at Goodman Millwork

JON C. LAKEY / SALISBURY POST Franco Goodman talks with a surprised John Alfred. Goodman Millworks employees and owners of celebrated the 80th birthday of one of their longtime employees. Owner Franco Goodman wanted to celebrate the special occasion for the John Alfred who has been working around the wood shop for many decades. Wednesday, May 20, 2015, in Salisbury, N.C.
Because of John Alford, Goodman Millwork buys brooms from the Lions Club by the case. Really.
Many times, Alford has walked up to the office looking for a new broom because the one he’s holding has been worn down to the nubs.
“He’s just one of those guys who wears out a broom a week,” owner Franco Goodman said of Alford, who is celebrating his 80th birthday today.
With a broom and a big shovel that serves as his dust pan, Alford keeps the concrete floor under the woodworking shop’s main production equipment clean, which is crucial in an operation where tiny sparks and sawdust can combine for devastation.
Goodman said the company’s insurance carriers are regularly impressed with the cleanliness of Goodman Millwork’s operation.